Activity Day

Price per child £9.95

This activity day allows your Group not only to discover all that the RAF Burtonwood Heritage Centre has to offer but also allows the children to discover what it would have been like to live in wartime Britain through co-ordinated presentations. Your Group would be met by our Heritage Centre Curator and initially given a talk about RAF Burtonwood and why it was so important. The Groups will then be split into five smaller groups and undertake the following presentations/activities:-

Life on the Home Front



The effect of the war on Warrington and its people

The Berlin Airlift

At lunchtime, a room would be made available for the children to have lunch in where they can enjoy their own packed lunch

After lunch it’s time to explore the Heritage Centre where our co-ordinators will be on hand to help bring the exhibits to life, children can try the GI Gully trail.

Accompanying adults are free to enter the Heritage Centre.

Memory Gift Bags – why not add a memory bag onto your visit for each child, we have a range of bags available from a simple stationery set to a Candy Bomber Sweetie Bundle, contact us for more details.